"Tell-Tale Tart"


Well, the plot of a rumor about a teenage girl being pregnant is handled better here than in "Fonzie the Substitute," which is referred to, and we do get some insight into Jenny's insecurities and motivations, but I still can't go above a C because it's not like Jenny can just say she lied and paper over the damage she's caused.

  • We get to see the redone ladies' room at Arnold's.
  • We also get to see Eugene's bedroom, twice.
  • Jenny is still repulsed by him but prefers dating him to the threat of Fonzie beating her up.
  • Melvin is now Eugene's brother rather than cousin, and I have no idea if they're twins or just close in age.
  • Jerry Paris's son Andrew was Andy before and is Chuck (not that Chuck) here.
  • As you probably know, Crystal Bernard, here playing Mikki, the victim of the rumor, would return as a completely different character, Howard's niece, K.C. Cunningham, the next season, but I'll get into that later.
  • Lori Beth shows up just for the tag, which features a doll or something as the baby.


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