"Poobah Doo Dah"

Even if you haven't seen this episode before, you've seen it before.  You know, the one where someone promises a celebrity for some charity benefit and they may or may not show up.  HD had already done it at least once before, with "The Magic Show."  So a C.

  • Frankie Avalon was then 41, playing his 21-year-old self as Al's fifth cousin.  He sounds as much like he's lip-syncing as Fonzie does, due to the echo chamber.
  • As nice as it is that Lynda Goodfriend gets to dance again, why is she doing a Jazzercise routine to the Twist?  For that matter, why do J&C and their ever-morphing band audition with a Twist song but he, Potsie, Roger, and Al form a barbershop quartet?
  • Is it stranger that Jenny auditions with a striptease number or that the stripper song is on the Arnold's jukebox?
  • There is one half-funny joke here, about Lincoln and the theater, which you will make before you hear it.
  • David Ketchum returns as Lodge member Donald Hedges.


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