"Love and Marriage"
While I think Al & Louisa work as a couple, I don't like that he proposes after they date only a month and we don't really get to see much of that month. So C+
- Joanie Loves Chachi premiered right after this, of which more shortly, so I can see why they had to marry off Louisa & Al quickly, but why not build up to it over Season Nine, or a two- or three-parter at least?
- This time when Jenny hits on Roger, he points out that he's a teacher and she's a student, so it would be "unseemly." This does not dissuade her.
- Potsie has one line, where he sounds like a moron. Oh well, maybe Anson liked the easy money.
- This title would be reused, when Joanie and Chachi got married.
- This is the last episode of Season Nine, but I'll hold off on thoughts about it until I get through the first (very short) season of JLC.
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