"Baby, It's Cold Inside"

This episode kept threatening to tip into D+ territory, but it was saved because I sort of liked that Joanie proves she's responsible.  

  • Everyone, except Joanie (and Potsie, who's just in the first scene and then never mentioned again), is leaving town and someone has to watch Richie, Jr., who's unseen but we do hear him cry.
  • It's four months since Lori Beth has seen Richie, so I assume she was then very pregnant.  Then again, this episode is set "in the middle of winter," although it aired in early December, so who knows.
  • Getting both Belvin cousins onscreen is a little terrifying, especially when Eugene says that Jenny's lips say no but her eyes say yes, but I will note that I can see that Melvin is more of a Woody-Allenesque nerd.
  • Jenny is a rotten friend to "Joans," and throwing a party at the Cunninghams' may actually be worse than letting her take the fall for trying to steal a statue.  But I do like the red skirt & tights combo.
  • Joanie/Chachi shippers can enjoy them bickering like young marrieds.
  • Al/Howard shippers, I hope you enjoy that weird bagel erotica in the tag.


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