"Mother and Child Reunion"

This would be such a better episode without the crap with Fonzie's students (especially him not objecting to Eugene being bullied) and if he realized that whether or not the waitress is his mother, she should not be slapped on the butt by customers.  Still, the final scene with him and the waitress (played by veteran actress Janis Paige, then almost 60 but not looking it) is poignant.  So C again.

  • Ray Girardin, who is the harassing customer Big Harold, previously was Sgt. Ryan.
  • It's Spring during this episode that aired during May.
  • Joanie and less surprisingly Potsie are both absent.
  • Somehow Babaloo Mandel had never written an HD episode before, here co-writing with Fred Fox, Jr.  Mandel would do one more HD script that year.
  • As the seasons pass, Fonzie's abandonment by his parents gets earlier and earlier, here with his father leaving when he was two, his mother when he was four.  It's fairly consistent that he was raised by his Grandma Nussbaum.
  • Fonzie's mother's name is Angela.


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