"Rules to Date By"
This episode further shreds the timeline (see below) and it's a bit disjointed, but I liked it. I liked Marion sticking up for herself and I liked Richie and Lori Beth bickering, with Fonzie actually giving sensible advice for a change, and I of course liked the glimpse of Leather T. So I'm going with a B-.
- The air-date was May 23rd, but Arnold's is having a "Semester Break Bash" and it's snowing a lot.
- Marion is reading The Feminine Mystique at least three years too early.
- Lori Beth is still taking dancing lessons, possibly at a different studio.
- The tag suggests something kinky, but Howard and Marion are just going to the ice cream parlor.
- Al is going to visit his cousin Josephine in California for two weeks.
- I like the running gag that Richie's band still doesn't have a name.
- Shirley Kirkes returns as Blossom, and the Bunker sisters are back as the Suedes.
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