"My Favorite Orkan"

So, yeah, Robin Williams debuts as Mork, who in this first glimpse is a ruthless kidnapper and potential killer, who would collapse Arnold's just for fun.  But his zaniness comes through and, with a much gentler take that Fall, Mork would become a classic TV-sitcom character, and Williams would become a legend and change pop culture forever.  But this episode is a B-.

  • Richie claims to only go on dates on Saturday, which doesn't match anything we've seen, but maybe he's taking tougher courses this quarter or something.
  • Just about everything Mork tells us about Ork (and there's not much) would be retconned later, including gender, or lack thereof.
  • Mork uses his powers to strip Ralph down to undershorts but he recoils from a possible kiss from Potsie.
  • Richie and Fonzie's loyalty to each other comes through, in a different way than on the "Gang" episode the previous week.
  • I like that Scoop Cunningham is excited about the potential newspaper story in a space alien, although notice that he doesn't even think of alerting the authorities.
  • By this point, Chachi's use of "waa waa waa" had Smurfy like adaptability, as when he says that Richie's "waa waa waa" has gone "woo woo woo" or something like that.
  • What is with the recurring use of "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt"?  Is that something they think college boys sang rounds of in the late Ike era?
  • I like the contrast between "humdrum" Richie and the unpredictable Mork.
  • As you probably know, the "it was all a dream" ending would also be retconned.
  • Why do not only all the boys but the girls race out of Arnold's to see the Hooper Triplets' new sweaters?  Fashion envy or lesbian tendencies?


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