"Marion: Fairy Godmother"

While Leather and Ralph are adorable together, I wish there had been more of them as themselves, or at least another episode after this to explore that relationship.  She doesn't even sing!  Instead we get another Potsie & Jennifer duet, which is nice, but shrug.  So B-.

  • Ralph's concern about Cuba is both funny and prescient for (approximately) February 1961.
  • The three boys are in three different branches of the service, as they were before.
  • Chachi is going to Inspiration Point on foot, with two girls.
  • Joanie is going to I.P. with a boy who is actually bringing his telescope, not a line.
  • Marion keeps beating Howard at games he teaches her, and she outdoes him at basketball, too.
  • Mother Kelp taught Marion basketball, and gave Richie's ball to him.  One wonders if Chuck was her favorite.
  • I like that in this makeover episode, Leather actually asks to be made over (hence the title), unlike some uses of this trope.  And I especially like that Leather and Ralph both decide in the end that they're fine as they are.
  • This aired the night before Valentine's Day, and was followed by "Lenny's Crush," where Lenny realizes he's in love with Laverne.  This never quite became canonical, but it certainly got more attention than Leather/Ralph.


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