"Casanova Cunningham"

I wish the writing and Richie were more intelligent in this episode, although Richie and Lori Beth recreating their conversation from a year ago, when they were mere freshmen, is sort of sweet.  So C+

Goodfriend had appeared in the pilot Legs the previous May, and it was a reworked, Walker-less version of Blansky's Beauties.  Then it came back in the Fall as Who's Watching the Kids?, again with Scott Baio, as well as Jim Belushi and Larry Breeding, both of whom would show up late in the Laverne & Shirley run as three (yes, three) of Laverne's boyfriends.  Two episodes of WWK had aired at this point, but only seven more would appear between then and December 15th, and then it'd be cancelled with three episodes never aired.  And, yes, this would affect Season Six of HD, and ever after.  Anyway, LB remains Richie's girl, despite him lying and cheating on her (to the point of necking).


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