"Fish and the Fins"

Flash Cadillac and the Continental Kids play the title band, who sing "Young Blood," a more suggestive song than Richie's amateur band usually does.  Richie went to summer camp with one of the band members so his friends expect him to get them good tickets to the concert.  

  • Richie's camp nickname at nine was Freckles.
  • Both Joanie and the unseen Chuck still suck their thumbs when they're unhappy.
  • It looks like Joanie invited a friend, presumably from the Chipmunks, to the concert, which is nice.
  • Howard is earning a "spot" at the Leopard Lodge.  And his back goes out again.  Just in case we forgot he's middle-aged.  (Plus he makes fun of rock & roll of course.)
  • The Pfister Hotel appears for I think the first time and seems much less fancy than it would on Laverne & Shirley a couple years later.
  • Marjorie Bennett, then about 79, previously was Mrs. Harrison.
  • Cher's little sister Georganne LaPiere, then about 23, plays the two-faced Corinne and would be Joy four years later.


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