Al reluctantly fires the band for irresponsibility, so Uncle Rico gets them a gig at an Irish-themed pub. The wardrobes look more anachronistic than ever. I'm going with C+ again. Note that Bill Kirchenbauer (the future Coach Lubbock) makes a brief appearance as Phil, not as memorable as when he'd guested on Mork & Mindy, but still nice to see.
This is definitely a better (B-) proto-crossover although still odd in ways I'll discuss in the notes. The title is a fitting one since Fonzie, sort of as distinct from Winkler the actor, was a superstar in real life in 1976, as odd as that is to recall now. Anyway, Ralph wants Fonzie to sing in Potsie's place while Potsie is out of town (for reasons), but Fonzie has stage fright. Lots o' notes: Potsie has a rich uncle who wants him to go to Notre Dame, so Potsie's parents (who it's well established hate him) want him to tour the campus that weekend. Fonzie will be out of town shortly before the "Senior Dance," which is being held at Arnold's because apparently they tore down the sock hop sets from the first couple seasons. Fonzie is going to the Powderpuff Derby, to help Pinky Tuscadero, which, like really? That's historic! (I want to say she doesn't show up until Season Four though, and this reference may be retconned.) They had quite ...
So, yeah, it was time for another Garry Marshall spin-off, so why not take those teen idols J & C and give them their own show, with Chachi's mother and his new stepfather, Al? Season One was very short, four episodes, and I'll just drop them in as they come up chronologically with what's left of HD's Season Nine. This premiere is OK. I mean, there are worse HD S9 episodes, but also some better. I'm going with a C. Notes: I watched this series at the time but I don't think since, other than the theme song on YouTube, because I actually like the theme. We'll see how much of any of JLC comes back to me. Howard and Marion pop into Chicago, at the worst time of course. I'm still not clear, almost forty years later, why Al had to go all the way to Chicago to open a new restaurant. Also, the restaurant is really successful for being open only two weeks. It's not like there weren't other Italian places in Chicago. This is now "the Sexy ...
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