"Two Angry Men"

The title characters are Howard and Fonzie, who sue each other after a blizzard causes Fonzie's pigeon coop to crash down through the roof and into Fonzie's apartment. I didn't think this was as funny or insightful as it could be, and I have to agree with Howard wondering why he ends up paying $200, the local "kids" will pay the other $200, and the Fonz pays nothing. Still, there are some moments I like, such as Richie feeling torn when he has to testify against both men. I'm going with a C+. Notes: Seeing pigeons cuddle makes Marion frisky. Joanie still believes in Santa Claus. Fonzie claims he was on his own at the age of six. Richie is, this probably won't surprise you, seventeen. Bob W. Hoffman's final HD role is as Ernie. I assume Lloyd Kino's character name as Arnold's repairman cousin, Marvin Lee, is a play on Lee Marvin; he would be Mr. Wang on Mork & Mindy three years later, which Robin Williams must've had a field day with....