"A Night at the Circus"

The two parallel plots are about men who have quasi-fatherly relationships with girls: Howard with his niece K.C. (Crystal Bernard) and Fonzie with Ashley's daughter Heather.  I was leaning towards a C, but there are some nice moments in the last two scenes, from Fonzie talking about being raised by his Grandma Nussbaum to Marion showing Howard she prefers him to Cary Grant.  So C+.

  • Marion's old high school classmate is now a circus clown, married to the bearded lady.
  • Jojo the Dog-Faced Boy is mentioned, as he was at least once on Laverne & Shirley.
  • Howard hasn't spoken to his brother Dick in fifteen years.
  • It's unclear how old K.C. is, so I'm guessing 17 until further notice, just because that is the default age on this show for anyone who's not an adult or small child.
  • K.C. was going to boarding school in Houston.
  • Her father is I think a diplomat, or is in "the Congo" for some other reason.


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