"Marion Rebels"

This is an improvement over the previous season's "Dance Contest."  Marion is again feeling frustrated by her life as a housewife, and this time she does indeed get a job: waitress at Arnold's.  What she really wants to do is expand her skills as a music teacher (referenced on at least two other episodes already) and after Richie has to fire her (Al isn't assertive enough), Howard is understanding enough that he agrees to her going to get a teaching certificate.  I can't remember if this actually has consequences, since it seems like Marion mostly was a homemaker in later seasons.  And I'm not sure if the thing about Fonzie encouraging Marion's independence, while getting a massage from the girlfriend of the week, is fully realized by director Paris.  I was actually leaning towards a C+, but the men's room scene, especially Joanie barging in, is genuinely funny, so B-.

A few notes:
  • Patricia Wilson was a nameless Carhop before and is Paulette Barker here.
  • Jillian Kesner was Patty Petralunga before and is Lorraine here.
  • This is one of two HD episodes written by Dixie Brown Grossman, one of the few female writers on the series, which may account for the episode's relative feminism.  She has just a handful of other IMDB credits, starting with a '74 All in the Family episode called "Gloria's Shock" and ending with the Season Two Three's Company episode "Janet's High School Sweetheart."  It would've been interesting to see what she could've brought to future sitcom episodes, and I will definitely look at the portrayal of the female characters in the "Apartment" episode from Season Five.


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