
This aired on October 25th, which is pretty timely for a HD Halloween episode.  I bumped it up from C to C+ because of the costumes and Fonzie's ghost story.

  • If you guessed that Garry Marshall's kids Kathi and Scotti play Allison and Patrick, you're right.
  • And Tom Bosley's daughter Amy is back, as the "ten-year-old housewife" who steals his turkey leg.
  • Jenny Piccalo remains unseen, including in her Lady Godiva costume, which her also unseen parents are aware of.
  • Fonzie wants to dress as the Lone Ranger, as he did a few seasons ago, and he resents Ralph for taking that idea, and later Fonzie's date.
  • Potsie as devil feels less like typecasting than it would've in the early days.
  • Howard refers to his own tonsillectomy, "three years ago."
  • Chachi hits on Joanie, she insults him.  Get used to that.


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